Feb 14, 2025
CHF 55.00
Mini Personal recorded reading
Mini tarot reading via personalized video ! If you are shy, if your spoken english or your spoken french are not fluent enough, you can ask your questions here and I'll send you a video with a personalized card reading. I say your name on the video, so you can be sure it was only recorded for you, and not some generic same video sent to everyone. Looking forward to connecting with you. If I don’t get back to you, it means I have too many requests. Don’t hesitate to ask again after you’ve been refunded. I’ll get back to you eventually. Much love. Make sure you double check the spelling of your email address when ordering this option.
Feb 14, 2025
CHF 300.00
Past Life Regression
Are you ready to go on a different journey? Whether you want to explore a past life simply out of curiosity, or you have blockages you want to deal with, Past Life Regression is like a magical doorway for your soul to start learning and healing. By taking your first step into the regression, you are also taking the first step into the next chapter of your healing journey. Are you ready to dive deep into your souls knowledge? Through gentle hypnosis and relaxation, we will tap into the infinite wisdom of your soul and your subconscious mind. Going straight to the root of the subject and coming back transformed from the experience. Clear energetic blockages and negative emotions. Transform subconscious patterns and heal trauma. Or simply allow yourself at last to go through the experience of a past life regression. FAQ: 🌟 I don't believe in past lives, can I still try past life regression? Yes, it doesn't matter if you believe in past lives or not, you can see it as the creation of your imagination, and it works just as well. The healing will still take place. 🌟 What if I can't go into hypnosis? Most people go under hypnosis really easily. 3% of people have a slightly harder time, but get there eventually. And approximately 1% of humans can't get hypnotized. If that is your case, and there is no way for you to go into hypnosis, I have other options to offer. 🌟 What if I fall asleep during the hypnosis session? You won't fall asleep, we are constantly interacting and talking 🌟 Can you make me do things I don't want to do under hypnosis? First of all, I would never do that. Many people are confused as to what hypnotherapy is and what a hypnotic trance is. It's a little bit like when you are reading a book. You are completely into the story, but you are still aware of the world around you, even if that world has a different presence while you read your book. A hypnotic trance is similar to that, in a deep relaxation. Remember, the therapist opens the door, but you are the traveler, you are the one on the journey of self discovery and healing. The way I work will help you find your own inner resources for the healing, but it will involve you needing to be prepared to go into deeper or buried memories, and it may involve emotions bubbling up to the surface. The truth of any memories that may come to your conscious awareness during our sessions is for you to decide. I can offer to give you my best professional service to assist you on this journey, however you are responsible for your own healing. I work to international standards set through voluntary regulation in the profession itself. This is through the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association - Earth Association and not by any country or state licensing requirements. Whatever is shared during the session is strictly confidential. Make sure you have a quiet place for this session & you can lie down with your head and your neck comfortably supported. Your device needs to be plugged into the charger and you should have adequate headphones. Make sure you set the calendar to your timezone when booking. Sales are final. No refunds.
Feb 14, 2025
CHF 150.00
Tarot Séance
You want better insight on your current situation? You need help untangling your reality? Would you like to know the direction your life will take? What your next step should be? This séance is for you, you need a fathomless and intense tarot reading. Don't continue on blindly - book a tarot séance today & illuminate your path ahead! My clarity and compassion provide the answers you're seeking to move forward powerfully on your unique life path. Make sure you set the calendar on your time zone before booking your session. No refunds, sales are final.
Feb 14, 2025
CHF 55.00
Online Tarot Course
You want to learn tarot with a fun and easy method? You've landed at the right place!! Make your dream come true today! Why wait? Unlock the mysteries of tarot and learn to read the cards with my online course. This is a simple method designed to help you learn faster and better. Become a tarot reader and discover the transformative power of tarot with this e-course perfectly accessible for beginners. Learn to read tarot cards with my fun and easy step by step method. Video capsules that allow you to go at your own pace. Just click to purchase, and start learning at your own rhythm, from the comfort of your own home. It's as simple as that. I bought my first tarot cards in 1989, and I've gathered the knowledge I've learned during all these years for you. This multimedia online course will help you learn tarot the fast and easy way. Let's make this happen, may the journey begin!
Feb 14, 2025
CHF 200.00
Psychic séance
Unlock insight, clarity and healing through psychic guidance. I channel intuitive wisdom and insight from the unseen to provide clarity and guidance on personal questions weighing heavy on your mind. Whether you seek answers to a specific quandary, wish to reveal hidden blockages holding you back or want to access your life path and purpose, my intuitive abilities can help illuminate your highest direction forward. A psychic séance is a way of understanding some of life's mysteries . My role is as a conduit - sharing the messages, images and intuitive knowings that come through during our time together. You remain grounded in discernment, able to accept or release any information as feels best for you. Together we sift through spiritual insights to uncover timeless truths that can provide clarity, healing and release for your soul. Unanswered questions finally receive replies from beyond. And knots within your being loosen, allowing long-awaited freedom to enter in. I provide an authentic spiritual experience and opportunity for growth. By removing blinders and illuminating possible next steps, a single psychic session has the power to transform your entire trajectory. Let me be absolutely honest with you. All my life I've been receiving messages, without even realizing it, and to this day I still don't know exactly how it works. The magic is beyond us , and wisdom is in letting go of the explanation and accepting the gift of the wonder work. Shedding light on your journey . Are you ready to unlock the answers and inner peace you seek? Book your private reading with me today to receive guidance tailored just for you. Make sure you set the calendar on your time zone before booking your session. Sales are final, no refund.
Feb 14, 2025
CHF 15.00
New Beginning Ritual - Tutorial
This is the simplest and the most efficient ritual I know so far. An open door for a fresh start. The New Beginning Ritual . Included in here is the tutorial for the New Beginning Ritual. It helps you: release heaviness and blockages let go of the past & what no longer serves you open up for new possibilities embrace new projects & a bright future release the negative and open up to the positive It’s simple, doesn’t take a lot of time, and sets you up for a wonderful bright future.
Feb 14, 2025
CHF 50.00
1 hour workshop: Unlock your true potential: Overcome the impostor syndrome
Are you tired of feeling like a fraud, even in the face of your achievements? You’re not alone. Join me for a transformative one-hour workshop that dives deep into the heart of Impostor Syndrome and offers powerful, practical solutions to reclaim your confidence and embrace your true self. In this intimate and authentic session, I share my personal journey and insights, blending spiritual wisdom with actionable strategies. Here’s what you can expect: - Understanding Impostor Syndrome : Discover the roots of this pervasive mindset and how it may be holding you back in your personal and professional life. - Intimate Sharing : Experience a heart-to-heart discussion where I vulnerably share my own struggles and triumphs, creating a safe space for you to reflect on your own journey. - Spiritual and Practical Tools : Gain access to a variety of eclectic techniques, including mindfulness practices and self-reflection exercises, designed to help you shift your perspective and build lasting self-confidence. - Empowering Community : Join a growing community of like-minded individuals who are on the same journey, offering support and encouragement as you break free from self-doubt. This workshop isn’t just a lecture; it’s a heartfelt exploration that invites you to connect with your inner self, fostering growth and empowerment. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a creative, or simply someone looking to overcome self-doubt, this workshop is tailored for you. Don’t let Impostor Syndrome hold you back any longer. Download this workshop today and take the first step toward a more authentic, empowered you! The workshop was recorded during the Align with your cosmic essence summit, January 12 2025
Feb 14, 2025
CHF 200.00
Stop smoking hypnosis audio
That's it!! It's time to Quit smoking - it has never been so easy!! I promise. You can quit today effortlessly and permanently with my powerful hypnosis audio, designed to reprogram your subconscious mind and help you break free from the addiction for good! This hypnosis audio for smoking cessation is a deep guided meditation that uses modern hypnosis techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind and help you stop smoking without any withdrawal symptoms.Trust me. It has never been so easy. Hypnosis for smoking cessation is an effective tool, especially for those who have struggled with other methods. It helps you address the psychological and emotional aspects of addiction, which often play a role in why people continue to smoke. You only need to be open to the experience, hypnosis will help you achieve your goal. To be certain of it’s efficiency, I tested my method on myself first. I’ve been a non smoker since May 6 2023. With zero withdrawal symptoms. Most people only need to listen to this audio once to stop smoking, but you may listen to it as many times as you want to. You find the price too high? How much is a pack of cigarettes? How many do you buy in a week or a month? This audio will probably cost you one or two months worth of cigarettes. And after that, the money you will be saving will be for you to treat yourself to whatever you want. This will pay all your holidays. Still find it expensive? I didn't think so. This audio is not suitable for people with schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, clinical depression (people who have ever needed to be in a mental health unit). Recreational drugs are also a contra-indicator. Make sure you read the downloadable text before you listen to the audio. Congratulations! You are about to become a non smoker. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE AUDIO: This is a self hypnotic recording and should never be played whilst driving or at any other time when you need to maintain full conscious awareness. Your experience will be enhanced if you listen to the audio through a headset. The volume should be set so that it’s not so loud that it’s intrusive, but not so quiet that you can hardly hear it; in other words at a nice comfortable level. While listening to the audio, you will enjoy a pleasant feeling of relaxation, nothing else. Your mind might wander and that's absolutely fine. Just enjoy the relaxation, that's all you need to do. Your subconscious mind will do the rest. It knows what to do. Your body might feel heavy or light; you may experience a slight tingling sensation in your fingers or toes. All this is normal. There are no side effects to hypnosis. Most people feel very relaxed and even quite sleepy after hypnosis and often find that they sleep better that night. Sales are final. No refunds.
Feb 14, 2025
CHF 200.00
Arrête de fumer, Madame!
Ça suffit, cette cigarette! Aujourd’hui j’arrête! Et ça n’a jamais été aussi facile, c’est promis. Arrête de fumer aujourd'hui sans effort et de manière permanente grâce à mon puissant audio d'hypnose, conçu pour reprogrammer ton subconscient et t’aider à te libérer de ton addiction pour de bon ! Cet audio d'hypnose pour arrêter de fumer est une méditation guidée profonde qui utilise des techniques d'hypnose modernes pour reprogrammer ton subconscient et t’aider à arrêter de fumer sans aucun symptôme de sevrage. Fais-moi confiance. Cela n'a jamais été aussi facile. L'hypnose pour arrêter de fumer est un outil efficace, en particulier pour ceux qui ont lutté avec d'autres méthodes. Elle t’aide à aborder les aspects psychologiques et émotionnels de la dépendance, qui jouent souvent un rôle dans la raison pour laquelle les gens continuent de fumer. Il te suffit d'être ouvert à l'expérience, l'hypnose t’aidera à atteindre ton objectif. Pour être certaine que ce que je propose ici est réellement efficace, j’ai commencé par le tester sur moi-même. Ça fait depuis le 6 mai 2023 que je ne fume plus, grâce à ma méthode. Et tout ça sans aucun symptôme de sevrage. La plupart des gens n'ont besoin d'écouter cet audio qu'une seule fois pour arrêter de fumer, mais tu peux l'écouter autant de fois que tu le souhaites. Tu trouves le prix trop élevé ? Combien coûte un paquet de cigarettes ? Combien en achètes-tu en une semaine ou en un mois ? Cet audio te coûtera probablement un ou deux mois de cigarettes. Et après cela, l'argent que tu économiseras te servira à t’offrir ce que tu veux. Cela te permettra de payer toutes tes vacances. Tu trouves toujours cela cher ? Plus tellement, n’est-ce pas? Cet audio ne convient pas aux personnes atteintes de schizophrénie, qui vivent des épisodes psychotiques, de dépression clinique (personnes qui ont déjà dû être placées dans une unité de santé mentale). Les drogues récréatives sont également une contre-indication. Félicitations ! Tu es sur le point de devenir non-fumeuse. INSTRUCTIONS POUR L'UTILISATION DE L'AUDIO : Il s'agit d'un enregistrement auto-hypnotique et ne doit jamais être écouté en conduisant ou à tout autre moment où tu dois maintenir une pleine conscience. Ton expérience sera améliorée si tu écoutes l'audio avec un casque. Le volume doit être réglé de manière à ce qu'il ne soit pas trop fort pour être intrusif, mais pas trop faible pour que tu puisses à peine l'entendre ; en d'autres termes, à un niveau agréable et confortable. En écoutant l'audio, tu profiteras d'une agréable sensation de détente, rien d'autre. Ton esprit peut vagabonder et c'est tout à fait normal. Profite simplement de la détente, c'est tout ce que tu as à faire. Ton subconscient fera le reste. Il sait quoi faire. Ton corps peut sembler lourd ou léger ; tu peux ressentir une légère sensation de picotement dans les doigts ou les orteils. Tout cela est normal. L'hypnose n'entraîne aucun effet secondaire. La plupart des gens se sentent très détendus et même assez somnolents après l'hypnose et constatent souvent qu'ils dorment mieux cette nuit-là. Les ventes sont définitives. Aucun remboursement.
Feb 14, 2025
CHF 200.00
Healthy weight hypnosis audio
That's it!! Time to reach a healthyweight - and it has never been so easy!! You can start today almost effortlessly with my hypnosis audio, designed to reprogram your subconscious mind and help you take control of your lifestyle and healthy habits. This hypnosis audio for healthy weight is a deep guided meditation that uses modern hypnosis techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind and help you change your lifestyle and your eating habits easily. Trust me. It has never been so easy. Hypnosis is an effective tool, especially for those who have struggled with other diets. You only need to be open to the experience, hypnosis will help you achieve your goal. Most people only need to listen to this audio once, but you may listen to it as many times as you want to. I recommend listening to it once a week during the first month, and then whenever you feel the need of a little help as time goes by, simply listen to it again. Remember the healer holds space for you in a way that allows you to connect with your inner healer. Take the first step to a better, healthier life. This audio is not suitable for people with schizophrenia, psychotic episodes, clinical depression (clinical depression is when you have needed to be in a mental health unit). Recreational drugs are also a contra-indicator. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE AUDIO: This is a self hypnotic recording and should never be played whilst driving or at any other time when you need to maintain full conscious awareness. Your experience will be enhanced if you listen to the audio through a headset. The volume should be set so that it’s not so loud that it’s intrusive, but not so quiet that you can hardly hear it; in other words at a nice comfortable level. While listening to the audio, you will enjoy a pleasant feeling of relaxation, nothing else. Your mind might wander and that's absolutely fine. Just enjoy the relaxation, that's all you need to do. Your subconscious mind will do the rest. It knows what to do. Your body might feel heavy or light; you may experience a slight tingling sensation in your fingers or toes. All this is normal. There are no side effects to hypnosis. Most people feel very relaxed and even quite sleepy after hypnosis and often find that they sleep better that night. Sales are final. No refunds.
Feb 14, 2025
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Feb 14, 2025
Past life regression with Sonia Birrer
If you’re looking for someone else who can guide you in a past life regression, this is the person I recommend.
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